o Miller from Teams Reconnected standing in front of a white brick wall with her arms folded ready to help you lead your team from conflict to collaboration.

Lead your team from conflict to collaboration.

Team Coaching | Workplace Mediation

From conflict to collaboration

You’ve got big plans for your team. If only they would work with each other rather than against each other all the time.

You’ve had enough of the disconnect demanding your attention every day. You constantly need to intervene and smooth things over.

You can see the toll it’s taking on your team. They’re stressed and fed up, not to mention the impact it’s having on your wellbeing.

Instead of seeing our differences as a source of frustration I help teams see the value in each other’s contributions. I help them recognise they are stronger together.

Through effective team communication we’ll encourage the team to work WITH and FOR each other. You can then focus your energy on delivering for your clients.

Hi I’m Jo,

I know what it’s like to build and lead a large team.

As individuals I believe we are all wonderfully unique, and that we’re stronger together when we’re part of a great team.

But great teams don’t happen on their own. Those differences can cause divisions and resolving conflict in your team can be challenging and lonely.

I know because I’ve been there.

I am a qualified Executive Coach and Workplace Mediator. I have also been a trainer, facilitator, assessor; all within the leadership space.

I am able to draw on all these experiences to provide a unique service to business leaders and their teams.

Jo Miller from Teams Reconnected leans against a brick wall with her hand in her knee wondering how she can help resolve team conflict using workplace mediation and team coaching.

Helping leaders and their teams feel EPIC

Icon of a person with their hands in the air feeling empowered after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected
Icon of a target with an arrow pointing to the target's centre to indicate people feel purposeful after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected
Icon of a lightbulb to show people feel inspired after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected
Icon of a number of shapes woven interlinked to show people feel connected after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected