My mission and values

My mission

I am on a mission to help purpose-led business leaders deliver their vision through their team.

I do this by building a shared commitment to the team’s purpose and values, and to each other.

I want them to know they can create a team that values everyone’s unique contribution and draws on their diverse strengths, skills and experiences. They can create a team that is capable of achieving more collectively than they can individually.

I want them to know that they can be the leader their team needs.

I don’t believe anyone should be expected to work in a dysfunctional team or negative workplace. Instead I facilitate clear, open communication to develop stronger, more positive relationships.

I help leaders and their teams feel EPIC.

Icon of a person with their hands in the air feeling empowered after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected

Stronger, more confident to take control, bold, brave, supported

Icon of a target with an arrow pointing to the target's centre to indicate people feel purposeful after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected

Clear sense of direction, knowing what comes next

Icon of a lightbulb to show people feel inspired after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected

Ambitious, creative, ready to try new things

Icon of a number of shapes woven interlinked to show people feel connected after taking part in workplace mediation or team coaching from Teams Reconnected

To who you are, to your purpose, to the people around you

My values

At Teams Reconnected, I stand by four core values that shape everything I do.


I believe that we are all wonderfully unique, and that we each bring something special to the world. Our strength comes from understanding and embracing these individual differences.


We are stronger together, knowing that together we can achieve more than we ever could on our own.


I believe in the importance of loving what you do, following your passion to bring out the best in yourself and others.


Finally, I know that growth never stops, as always learning and embracing personal development is a lifelong journey that helps us stay curious and open to new perspectives.