Workplace Mediation

A quick, effective way of resolving conflict in your team so you can get on with the business of running your business

2 parties | £1500

There has been a breakdown in communication in your team.

This could be between team members, or perhaps the issue is between you and a member of staff.

It’s affecting the other relationships in the team and too many people are getting caught up in it.

You’ve been trying to deal with it internally but you can see it is impacting the service to your customers (or has the potential to).

This is what you fear the most. Providing your clients a high quality service is really important to you which is why this situation is so frustrating.

You worry the consequences are holding your business back, how can it not?

  • Your team aren’t on top form
  • You’re distracted and frustrated
  • Customer satisfaction is suffering

This can’t go on.

You wanted to create something different. You’ve been building a culture where the focus is firmly on your customers and where everyone one in the team feels valued and heard. And it was working. Your business is growing and your customers come to you because you put them first.

But the rift in the team is threatening everything you are working towards.

You’ve tried to sort it out.

You’ve tried to work round it.

You’ve tried everything you can think of but the bad feeling is still there and it’s taking it’s toll.

You spend every waking hour worrying about it. It makes you feel physically sick that you’re spending more time and energy managing the fallout than you are delivering for your clients.

You know it can’t go on like this. You need to find a way to get everyone working together again before it brings the whole business down.

What if you brought in someone independent to facilitate conversations between the parties?

What if you brought me in?

Now would be a good time to introduce myself (if you don’t already know me).

I am a qualified workplace mediator with over 10 years experience of bringing teams together and helping them move forward.

I don’t have an emotional connection to the situation which means I can take an impartial view and hear both sides equally.

When your employees don’t feel heard they don’t feel valued and then they in turn stop giving their full value to the job.

By bringing someone else in you are showing everyone involved that you really care about them and you’re willing to invest time and money into sorting the problem out properly.

Third party workplace mediation is a quick and effective way to work through the issues that are causing so much pain and tension.

Imagine being able to go back to focusing on delivering a great service and focusing on your customers.

Imagine having a team that is all pulling in the same direction and finally working together to get the job done.

Imagine not having to sit up at 3am worrying about how to deal with this.

The Process

Workplace mediation can be used at any stage of the disagreement but the earlier the better, less stress for everyone involved and it stops it from getting worse.

Both parties have to be willing to take part in mediation for it to go ahead. Below are the stages involved:

1. Introductory call with the parties involved

After we agree to go forward I will have a call with each party involved in the disagreement to get an overview of what has been happening and talk them through how I will work with them.

2. Meeting each party separately

On the day I meet separately with the two parties to understand the issues from their perspective.

3. Bringing the parties together

When everyone is ready I will bring the two parties together so we can discuss a way forward.

4. Reaching an agreement

The solution is mutually agreed and written up into a confidential agreement.

5. Post mediation follow up

I follow up afterwards to make sure that everything has gone to plan and the agreement is being honoured by all parties.
Having an independent person like me helps open up conversations that would otherwise be difficult to have.

I guide you through a tried and tested process that I am experienced in delivering. It gives the parties the opportunity to understand and empathise with each other.

Workplace mediation is not about blame or passing judgement on who’s right or wrong. The focus is on finding a solution that both parties can agree to and live with.

The whole process is confidential to the parties involved.

Are you ready to get this sorted out once and for all?

How it Works

Workplace mediation is a quick, effective, flexible way of resolving conflict within a team.


A workplace mediation with 2 parties is completed within one day. This can be booked in as soon as diaries allow so the whole process can be finalised very quickly.


The mediation process is completely confidential. Only the parties involved will ever know what is discussed and agreed, unless agreed otherwise.

In Person or Online

Workplace mediation can be done effectively both in person and online, depending on what works best for the parties involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if there are more than 2 people involved in the dispute?
Workplace mediation can be used when there is more than one person on the side of the dispute (for example, a manager in dispute with the members of their team), or if there are more than 2 parties in dispute with each other. If you book a call we can have a chat about how much time should be set aside for the mediation process and I can give you a quote for your situation.
When is the best time to use mediation?

The honest answer is as soon as possible. Workplace mediation can adddress the issues and reach an agreement in just one day which allows everyone to move forward together. Letting these issues drag on causes even deeper divisions that are more damaging to your team, your productivity and your customers.